Report List

TimeWolf includes many reports, each performing its own function. A list and brief summary of each report is available below.


Employee Information Reports


Accrual Posting

Usage: Displays a list of all accrual postings for specified employees. An accrual posting occurs when an accrual type reaches its “Stop At” value and overflows into another accrual or hours type.


Tips: This report is not used to view accrued employee hours. See the Employee Accruals report for that functionality.


Employee Accruals

Usage: Displays the total accrued hours in addition to any used hours within the date range specified.


Employee Incoming Messages

Usage:  Displays a list of all the Incoming messages an employee has received for a specific period of time.


Employee List

Usage: Displays a list of all employees according to selection criteria. Employee ID, Employee Name, Default Department, Job Title, Hire Date, and Employee Badge numbers are also included on this report.


Tips: Useful for creating a list of all employees within a specific department or group.


Employee List By Supervisor

Usage: Displays a list of all employees grouped by the supervisor they are assigned.  Employee ID, Employee Name, Default Department, Job Title, Hire Date, and Employee Badge numbers are also included on this report.


Tips: Useful for knowing what employees are assigned to supervisors.


Employee New Hire Report

Usage: Displays a list of employees that have been hired in the specific date range selected on the selection criteria of the report.  Employee ID, Employee Name, Default Department, Job Title, Hire Date, and Employee Badge numbers are also included on this report.


Tips: Useful for knowing what employees have been recently hired.


Employee Outgoing Messages

Usage:  Displays a list of all the Outgoing messages an employee has made for a specific period of time.


Job Cost Reports


Employee Job Daily Summary

Usage: Displays the daily information of the jobs and tasks an employee has worked for the date range specified in the Selection Criteria.


Employee Job Summary

Usage: Displays the summary information of the jobs and tasks an employee has worked for the date range specified in the Selection Criteria.


Job Daily Summary

Usage: Displays the daily information of the jobs for the date range specified in the Selection Criteria.


Job List

Usage: Displays a list of jobs and the tasks assigned to the jobs.


Job Summary

Usage: Displays the summary information of the jobs for the date range specified in the Selection Criteria.


Management Reports


Audit Trail

Usage: Displays Audit information for the employees specified by Selection Criteria. Information about the changes made and which employee made the changes can be found on this report.


Employee Exception Detail

Usage: Displays exceptions for the employees specified by Selection Criteria. All un-reviewed exceptions within the selected date range, as specified by Selection Criteria, will be displayed on this report.


Employee With Zero Hours

Usage: Displays a list of employees that have no hours worked in the date range specified by the Selection Criteria.


Excessive Hours

Usage: Displays a list of employees who have worked excessive hours within the date range specified by Selection Criteria. The amount of hours required to work in order to be considered as working excessive hours is configured within company policies.


Failed Biometrics Verification

Usage: Displays a list of employees who have failed biometrics verification within the date range specified by Selection Criteria.


Tip: Abrupt changes in hand geometry can lead to biometrics verification failure. This may occur when excessively long fingernails are cut or if excessively long fake nails are applied. It may be necessary to re-enroll an employee within the Hand Reader under these circumstances. Otherwise, if employees are having trouble with hand verification try raising the Reject Level, which will reduce hand reader sensitivity. Refer to the Scout Reader Configuration section of this document for more information.


Who Is Where

Usage: Displays a list of all employees and which department they are currently clocked into.


Payroll Reports


Payroll Detail

Usage: Displays hourly totals in addition to in and out punches and calculates estimated wages.


Note: Note: Estimated wages and totals are considered Gross and do not include deductions.


Payroll Summary

Usage: Displays hourly totals and calculates estimated wages for all activity types such as sick time, regular hours, and overtime for the date range specified.


Note: Estimated wages and totals are considered Gross and do not include deductions.


Schedule Reports


Monthly Schedule

Usage: Displays a monthly schedule for the specified employees according to the date range specified. Schedules must be configured in order to build this report.


Postable Schedule

Usage: Displays a chart showing detailed schedules for the employees and date range specified by Selection Criteria. This report can be sorted by employee or by department in order to provide a schedule that can be posted in a conspicuous area for viewing by all employees within a specific department or distributed to each employee as appropriate.


System Reports


System Monitor Configuration

Usage: Lists each port in use and all readers associated with the port. Provides detailed configuration information for each reader.


Who is Enrolled

Usage: Displays a list of all employees currently enrolled on a biometric reader.


Timecard Reports


Activity Summary

Usage: Displays a summary of timecard activity information for the date range specified by Selection Criteria. Separate totals are provided for each activity type.


Shift Daily Summary

Usage: Displays a summary of employee activity separated by department and shifts. Detailed daily activity is not available on this report.


Shift Summary

Usage: Displays a summary of employee activity separated by department and shifts for the date range specified by the Selection Criteria.


Time card Daily Summary

Usage: Displays an activity summary with daily totals for the employees and date range specified by Selection Criteria.


Time card Detail

Usage: Displays employee activity for each day within the date range specified. Includes in and out times in addition to employee totals and exceptions.


Tips: Extremely useful for reviewing employee timecard activity and spotting exceptions. Can also be configured to include a signature line for employees to sign off on before forwarded to payroll.


Timecard Summary

Usage: Displays an employee activity summary with hourly totals for the entire date range according the employees and date range specified by Selection Criteria.